Happiness comes in waves in this top location.
Choose one of many beautiful beaches to play on all within a short distance to home.
Elevated on 812sqm between Stanmore Bay Beach and Manly Beach you can enjoy salt in the air and sand in your hair every day.
Four car garaging to house your vehicles, tools and toys plus plenty of off street parking for boats, RV's and caravans - you are set.
The large section is partially fenced for children and pets with a large sun bathed deck that provides a peep of the ocean and escorts you to a delightful barbecue and entertaining area.
Six generously sized bedrooms housed in this solidly constructed home of brick and block allows scope for the extended family or working from home.
Deliciously updated the kitchen and living areas are fresh, modern and sea breezy.
A downstairs rumpus area is the perfect teenage escape or second living area.
Close to the shops, school, leisure center and public transport the whole family can enjoy seaside living and keep business as usual.
Happiness is a day at the beach, bliss is living near - Seas the day!
Happiness comes in waves in this top location. Choose one of many beautiful beaches to play on all within a short distance to home. Elevated on 812sqm between Stanmore Bay Beach and Manly Beach you can enjoy salt in the air and sand in your hair every day. Four car garaging to house your vehicles, tools and toys plus plenty of off street parking for boats, RV's and caravans - you are set. The large section is partially fenced for children and pets with a large sun bathed deck that provides a peep of the ocean and escorts you to a delightful barbecue and entertaining area. Six generously sized bedrooms housed in this solidly constructed home of brick and block allows scope for the extended family or working from home. Deliciously updated the kitchen and living areas are fresh, modern and sea breezy. A downstairs rumpus area is the perfect teenage escape or second living area. Close to the shops, school, leisure center and public transport the whole family can enjoy seaside living and keep business as usual. Happiness is a day at the beach, bliss is living near - Seas the day!