About Brett Sawyers
Network. Strategy. Passion.
We use our joint skills to help our customers receive the best possible results.
After nearly 20 years at the forefront of mobile telecommunications in Northland, Brett made the decision to follow his passion for real estate in September 2014. In 2018 Lyn (his wife) joined Brett after selling their successful business, the five-star motel - Lodge Bordeaux.
Lots of loyal customers have attested to the success of Brett and Lyn’s previous ventures and many have continued their business relationships going forward. Brett and Lyn know a lot of people which can prove extremely beneficial to their clients when buying and selling real estate. Very much a people person, Brett values the relationships he creates “I love meeting people and mixing and mingling whether it’s with one of the business groups in town or on the golf course, I love it here”.
Brett and Lyn are always trying to grow and better their business and truly believe that with their joint skills, they can help their customers receive the best possible results.
Solidly built and superbly positioned down a long driveway this board and batten home will draw interest from a wide range of prospective purchasers, with families, investors and professional couples alike being drawn to its practical, popular location and its inherently durable nature.
Accommodation is provided by three bedrooms and is complemented by two bathrooms (including an ensuite off the master). The open plan living area is a warm and sunny space; a Metro fire, wall gas heater and Moisture Master system contribute to the cozy ambience, and excellent indoor/outdoor flow ensures you'll spend plenty of time outside.
Outside, the sun-soaked decks lend themselves to alfresco entertaining, while the landscaped fully fenced, easy-care grounds complete with your own Avocado tree, perfectly complement the surrounding environment. The icing on the cake is the double garage, garden shed and your own filleting bench.
The Maungatapere local cafe and decile 9 school add value to your investment, while the proximity to the State Highway 14 means you can connect with any part of Whangarei quickly and easily.
Well-maintained, easy-care properties in this desirable location are in constant demand, and immediate action is advised. Contact me now for more information.
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Covid restrictions around mass gatherings at the time of auction will dictate whether we can conduct the auction in our auction room, or online only. Register to bid and/or watch the auction live with GAVL (click 'follow listing' to be notified when the auction goes live). https://x5u9a.app.goo.gl/1TQU