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  • 7 beds
  • 2 baths
  • 2 parking

4 Collingwood Street Raumanga

Auction 29 November at 12pm (unless sold prior)
For Sale
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Reno on your Radar?

Start listing the features and you soon see this property offers far more than the usual but it also contains a few hooks.

Suited to a very large and/or extended family, working from home, renting by the room, a more conventional tenancy or simply flipping, the options are almost as numerous as the 7 bedrooms. The property has been let go a little over recent years and some deferred maintenance needs addressing, making this an ideal candidate for a skilled and visionary buyer. The massive basement workshop and garage looks suitable for setting up tools and getting to work but the house is immediately liveable and the garden and chicken coop could be up and running in next to no time.

Close to NorthTec, Whangarei Hospital, CBD and suburban shops, there is plenty to like about the location, while sunny rooms and lovely views add to the home's appeal.

A recent LIM, Building Report and Disclosure Document are available to provide an idea of what is in store for the next owner who will be buying on an 'As Is' basis. If you see potential and are up for the challenge, register your interest with Shane today.



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