North facing four-bedroom two-bathroom family home down private driveway surrounded by beautiful bush reserve with bedrooms upstairs and large living area downstairs with indoor outdoor to two private entertaining areas.
Fully fenced for pets with pet door to carpeted, insulated double garage and internal access to home. Lots of off-street parking and space for large families.
Home features
• Dishwasher
• Two heat pumps
• Wi fi operated lights
• Heat transfer system
• Heated towel rails
North facing four-bedroom two-bathroom family home down private driveway surrounded by beautiful bush reserve with bedrooms upstairs and large living area downstairs with indoor outdoor to two private entertaining areas. Fully fenced for pets with pet door to carpeted, insulated double garage and internal access to home. Lots of off-street parking and space for large families. Home features • Dishwasher • Two heat pumps • Wi fi operated lights • HRV • Heat transfer system • Heated towel rails